Welcome to the future of productivity

A passion for creating solutions

Getting the most from your data may seem an arduous process. Lumagraph is here to help you employ artificial intelligence and information management carefully tailored to your company’s particular needs.

✓ Fixed Price Projects

Obtain free consultation and quotes tailored to your business’ requirements.

🗒 Receive on time

Our client driven development means we are in steady contact and fast to deliver.

🗲 Fast work turnaround

Our bespoke solutions mean you can hit the ground running.

Consultancy options to suit you

Our comprehensive suite of professional services caters to a diverse clientele, ranging from homeowners to commercial developers.

Carefully crafted apps

  • Management of personnel, accounts, workflows
  • Streamlining of data flows and business intelligence.
  • Secure and extendable

Infrastructure improvements

  • Consultancy available for moving systems to Linux
  • Affordable options for on-site ownership and training of AI models
  • Experts on GDPR and data governance

“Lumagraph has saved us thousands of hours of work and has unlocked insights we never thought possible.”

Annie Steiner

CEO, Greenprint

Latest posts

  • Undefined behavior in C and C++

    Undefined behavior in C and C++

    Working in C or C++ requires some awareness of undefined behavior: what it is, what its effects are, and how to avoid tripping over it. For simplicity, I will just talk about C, but everything in this article also applies to C++ except where otherwise noted. What is undefined behavior? What behaviors are undefined? Dereferencing…

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